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「我相信未來屬於幽靈。現代影像技術,如電影攝影和電信,將增強鬼魂纏繞我們的能力」他說「幽靈萬歲[vivre les fantômes]」

In my dream, I saw the ghost dancing.
As I sat in front of the computer, Pascal Ogier stared at me from the screen and asked, "Do you believe in ghosts?"
Jacques Derrida was also here, in the movie "Ghost Dance", he was asked to play himself. "I let a ghost ventriloquize my words, and play my role." He said, "The movie is the art of ghosts, the war of ghosts, and the art of ghosts returning."
"I believe that ghosts are part of the future. And that the modern technology of images, like cinematography and telecommunication, enhance the power of ghosts and their ability to haunt us" he said "Long live the ghosts [vivre les fantômes]"
"Long live the ghost" I agree. The floor beneath my feet started to shake, and I woke up and returned to the Ghost Ship. Now I know I am also a ghost.



The quarantine life is actually quite comfortable. Occasionally, some phantoms come to chat with me, or I change to be a phantom and go to a friend's room. When the signal is not good, I always worry about whether I will disconnect from the ghost-me on the screen.



As everyone cannot go out and work, the Internet as a place where ghosts gather becomes very active. I want to build a cruise there for passers-by to rest. It was at this time that I met Calvino ’s ghost again. He took me to see the castle he built and some tired but silent travelers with tarot cards in their hands.

To the Hostel:



The day before the studio closed, I went back and recorded the work in progress.

This is my only on-going work on the ship, like sweeping snow, it must be done before they melt. Soon will be April, April Fools' Day, Ching Ming Festival( Tomb-Sweeping Day), Easter, who's birthday, and who's death day. They (the specters) will not urge me, just as I will not urge them to disperse. But I have my own deadline—April, because this work is for the month of April.

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The epidemic finally affects the operation of the ship. The captain issued an order to suspend work today. We need to stay in our respective rooms and avoid going out. The work report originally scheduled for next Monday is also postponed, and the sudden idleness made me a bit caught me off guard. But because of this, we have more time to watch animate.


其中我見到獵人海力布的幽靈,他是我小時候聽的傳說 人物,在兩年前我做畢業作品的期間他也曾出現。對此我曾這樣寫道:

As the epidemic of Homesick-virus became more serious, new ghosts begin to emerge. I'm scared of these ghosts. They are different from those who came to me before. They yelled ignorantly. They struggled. They wanted to tell me something. Although I understand this, I instinctively avoid it. I dare not watch those phantoms, and I am afraid that I will become a member of them.

Among them, I saw the ghost of the hunter Hailibu. He was a legendary character I listened to when I was a child. He also appeared during my graduation work two years ago. I wrote about him:

"After saving the Dragon King's daughter, he was awarded the ability to understand animals. However, he would become a stone if he tells others his ability.
One day, the birds were saying that flooding was coming. He told the villagers the message but no one believed him. In the end, of course, he became a stone and covered by the flood. The villagers left and cried, saying that he was a good boy. "

In addition to specters and ghosts, we also met several other ghost ships, most of which were cruise ships, Utopian ghost ships with gorgeous appearances, and huge bodies. Due to the virus, they were unable to reach the shore and became a new country alone at sea.



I finally met Z on the ship, not her ghost, but a real person. She said she was given refugee status by the ship and lived in a centralized dormitory. We went to the greenhouse on the ship together and then went to an exhibition.



We followed Ami to visit her friend, Angus from Guangzhou, and is also an FMI alumni. He is doing a series of works on the border.



We met another boat from Hong Kong with the regional flag of Hong Kong at the stern. The owner of the boat is Ami, an alumni that we know. After she went abroad to study three years ago, we have not been getting in touch with each other.
At night we stayed on Ami's boat and talked a lot about the documentary project she was planning. Two months ago her wedding was held on a ferry in Victoria Harbour of Hong Kong. Her project also started with the wedding record. Later, she said she wanted to continue interviewing other Hongkongers who live here. Listen to how they tell the story of themselves.


在船上的展覽廳偶遇大學老師林嵐,她說決定要嫁給畫廊。過了幾天我們去喝酒,聊天聊到半夜三點。她問Jessie什麼是Painting,她問我為何要讀Media Art。我們還未能回答,她便離開了。

In the exhibition hall on the ship, I met Jaffa Lam, our university teacher. She said she decided to marry the gallery. After a few days, we went to drink and chat until three at midnight. She asked Jessie what painting is, and she asked me why I studied media art. Before we could answer, she left.


這首《由零開始》據說是89年張國榮為了告別樂壇而寫(95年他又 回歸樂壇,直到03年去世)。

The lyrics of this song have been entangled in my mind for two years, and today I decided to put it on the canvas.
"Will you remember me" is said to have been written by Leslie Cheung in 1989 to say goodbye to the stage. Leslie was diagnosed with depression and committed suicide on 1 April 2003 (during the SARS). He jumped off the 24th floor of the Mandarin Oriental hotel in Hong Kong.



Avoiding crowded places subconsciously. The sound of fireworks, the smell of smoke still make me nervous.


晚會當中收到了 Z 發給我的消息,她說旗子的訊息收到了,她也上了這艘鬼船,只不過目前還不能見面。

At the Christmas party on board, some of our crew didn't realize the ghost fire on their heads.
I received a message from Z. She said that she saw the flags, and also got on the Ghost Ship but we can't meet her for now.



A friend from Hong Kong suddenly appeared on the ship and brought me a phantom. His voice is still wandering like ghosts every day in every street in Hong Kong.
No wonder when my friend left, leaving a black coat.


每天仍然有許多幽魂來找我, 在特定日子,例如說21號和31號,他們會出現得更加頻密。船員勸我少看手機,說鬼魂是通過這些電子器材,來到這艘船上。他們很少言語,只躺或跪在溼冷的甲板上。我想知道那是怎樣的感覺,因此請來三位水手將我綁成跟他們一樣的姿勢。

Many ghosts return to me every day. On certain days, such as the 21st and 31st of each month, they will appear more frequently. The crew advised me to watch less on my mobile phone, saying that phantoms came to this ship through these electronic devices. They seldom speak, only lying or kneeling on the wet deck. I wanted to know how they feel, so I asked three sailors to tie me into the same position as them.

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Our MMM working team encountered a problem because Mr. C, who has been in charge of the records, suddenly lost his memory. All the test data we conducted disappeared without a trace so we conducted an interrogation on him. Finally we discovered that memory is too uncertain, even with top-notch technology, it can't save the fragments scattered in the sea of ​​data.



Someone received Z's message.
We processed a batch of mud from the sea, and I tried to make a portrait of Alan using clay.



Flags are particularly important in the sea. They are a matter of life and death, and consequently, the rules and regulations for flag raising are strictly enforced. However, it is strange that there is no flag on our ship.
Maybe I don't think so much, but every time I saw a signal from a boat or a shore in distance, I don't know how to respond. I use some abandoned floating objects to make a flag every day (and make a wish by the way). If Z, who gets lost in the sea, sees it, she might be able to find our ship.

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工作成果報告當天,我收到一些朋友的消息,說 Z的幽魂兩日前失了蹤,有人說她去了行山,有人擔心她被綁架,或陷入迷途。我回到工作室,癱坐在沙發上,心裏默默地對這艘鬼船說「如果您 對我的工作尚算滿意,可不可以讓Z的幽魂給我們一個平安的消息」

On the working feedback session day, I received news from some friends that Z’s specter disappeared two days ago. Some people said she went to a mountain. Some worried that she would be kidnapped or get lost. I went back to the studio, slumped on the sofa, and silently said to the Ghost Ship, "If you are satisfied with my work, can you let the Z's ghost give us a message"

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