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每天仍然有許多幽魂來找我, 在特定日子,例如說21號和31號,他們會出現得更加頻密。船員勸我少看手機,說鬼魂是通過這些電子器材,來到這艘船上。他們很少言語,只躺或跪在溼冷的甲板上。我想知道那是怎樣的感覺,因此請來三位水手將我綁成跟他們一樣的姿勢。

Many ghosts return to me every day. On certain days, such as the 21st and 31st of each month, they will appear more frequently. The crew advised me to watch less on my mobile phone, saying that phantoms came to this ship through these electronic devices. They seldom speak, only lying or kneeling on the wet deck. I wanted to know how they feel, so I asked three sailors to tie me into the same position as them.

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